
A brief description of the EDaWaX-Project:

Empirical studies to verify and refine theoretical models are increasingly important in economics. This is reflected in a rising number of empirical contributions to journals in which authors have collected their own research data or used external datasets. However, so far there have been few effective means to replicateĀ the results of economic research within the framework of the corresponding article, to verify the results, to make the research data that was used in a paper available for repurposing or to use it to support the scholarly debate.

The DFG-funded project EDaWaX is intended to meet these challenges. One of the main objectives is the development of a publication-related data archive for journals using an integral approach.

During the first phase of the project, a subject-specific analysis will systematically redact the current challenges as manifested mainly by the lack of incentive structures for the replication of research results and the multiple use of data. At the same time, currently existing technical and organisational solutions within the context of economics journals and data archives will be analysed and investigated with regard to their suitability for the requirements of the EDaWaX project and with particular attention to the legal framework.

Based on the results of this analysis, a metadata schema for the description and labelling of the data will be developed during the second phase of the project. A set of rules for the schema-compliant transformation of the descriptions and data will also be established. The knowledge gained will lead to the third phase where a pilot project for innovative publication-related data archives will be developed using the renowned journal “Schmollers Jahrbuch / Journal of Applied Social Science” as an exemplar.

EDaWaX is a joint project of RatSWD (German Data Forum), INNO-tec Institute at LMU Munich andĀ  ZBW. RatSWD acts as editor of Schmollers Jahrbuch and coordinates the work package “legal framework” while the INNO-tec Institute in cooperation with IMPRS-CI investigates the incentive structures of so-called data sharing. ZBW undertakes the remaining analytical work packages, designs and develops the publication-related data archive and acts as project coordinator.