
A brief description of the second funding phase of the EDaWaX-Project:

Click >here< for information on the first project phase.

The second project phase of EDaWaX builds on the outcomes of the first phase, following up the pilot application, which has been developed during the first project phase, pursuing the aim of making it reusable and productive for economic journals.

Again our project consists of 3 phases:

EDW2_Phase1 The analyses conducted in the course of project phase 1 will be deepened and broadened. Firstly, the analysis of data policies and data archives will be focussed on journals dealing with business studies. Secondly the analysis on incentive structures for sharing research data will be broadened. Part of this analysis will be the evaluation of citation rates of journals and journal articles with accompanying research data, in contrast to those without accompanying data, which will be conducted by the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition. Based on these results it will be possible to determine the effect of data disclosure on citations in economics. Thirdly, a matrix concerning the possibilities of data sharing with regard to different forms of economic research data will be created.


EDW2_Phase2Concerning the technical infrastructure, the future development of the pilot application is the core of EDaWaX’s second funding phase. The pilot application will receive more functions and will be transferred into a sustainable infrastructure provided by the well-established research data centre RDC SOEP, which will take over the storage, hosting and maintenance of data submitted to the application.The functions which will be added to the application are:

  • the integration of dissemination channels for the metadata of publication-related research data stored in the pilot application (e.g. for EconBiz, but also for general search engines),
  • automatically minting DOIs to research data and other related material,
  • the integration of metadata catalogues of research data centres (for use cases in which researchers used mircodata in the course of their research which can not be “shared” due to reasons of privacy protection).


EDW2_Phase3In the course of dissemination, EDaWaX 2 aims to expand the number of journals using the application. In order to achieve this goal, advice concerning the implementation of data availability policies and workflows will be given. As in project phase 1 we are also going to hold evaluation workshops with the editors of economics journals. For our project it is very important to develop our application in close collaboration with our users. Our aim is to develop an application that fits the needs of the scientific community and not only our own conceptions.


EDaWaX is a joint project of RatSWD (German Data Forum), the research data centre of the socio-economic panel (RDC SOEP) at DIW Berlin, the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition and ZBW.

The RDC SOEP is intended to take over some parts of the technical work packages, while the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition investigates the incentive structures of data sharing.

ZBW undertakes the remaining analytical work packages, designs and develops the publication-related data archive and acts as project coordinator.